Legal Notice


adago GmbH
Michael Nesnov, Moritz Kern
O7 3
68161 Mannheim

Tel.: +49 2156 4966 910


Company information

adago GmbH
Registered domicile: Mannheim, Germany
Registration court: Mannheim HRB 746010
VAT-ID: DE360286976

Managing directors: Michael Nesnov, Moritz Kern


Design & Implementation

W&S Digitalagentur GmbH


Gender Disclaimer

We want our language to contribute to a fair and inclusive culture. For the sake of readability, we use the masculine or feminine form in all contexts, and in some places we use the colon notation. No matter how we write: Every person-regardless of gender-can and should feel equally addressed. If you are unhappy with any wording, please contact us and we will try to improve it.